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Week 1 Excercise

In this excercise as a group we needed to sort the cards into topics shown in the image to the left. 

Week 2-3  Excercise

The 3 images to the left shows the application that we made as a group in class. This application is for a travel guide in this case a holiday planner. Important things in the first page include a title to tell the user what they are doing in the app as well as a hamburger menu bar and 2 other touchable menu bars shown as available beaches and available cities.


Important aspects in the second image include the menu bar being opened as a white background. Also the hamburger bar changed to black to show selection. On the menu bar the options to select are "My Destinations", "Planner" and "My Accounts".

"My Destinations" which will take you to the destinations that you have selected.  A sub heading of "My Destinations" is "Add Destination" to add destinations to your " My Destination " tab, in the menu bar.

"Planner" enables you to go from your current destination to your next destination. By giving you viable modes of transport options and routes.

Lastly is " My Account " which is your account page where you may set passwords and such.


Aspects in the third image includes the title change to inform the user on the pages content. In this case they have selected available cities as a selection menu. A number of cities are opened and can be selected as shown.


Each colour used in the application has been chosen to complement the options available .

Workshop Excercise


Below are my UID (User Interface Design) workshop excercises.

Week 4  Excercise
Week 8  Excercise
Week 11 Excercise

During week four our task was to complete our holiday planner. Using the more advanced design principles we discussed in the week four lecture. Looking at the home page it is more pleasing to the eye than the first planner we created becuase of the simplistic background and cleaner interface. Using tab buttons we created an easy to use two tab function which makes it easier to use and has less clutter on the screen. 


The 'Add New Plan' tab takes the user to a page which has to text entry bars. 'Starting Location' and 'Destination'. There are also two tabs; 'Add Destination' and 'Save Plan'. These options allow the user to fluently work their way down the page.  


The 'Load Plan' tab can easily take you to a plan you have created previously. Eg. previous holidays, future trips, etc. This page will takes the user to a page where you can add destinations simply and easierly using common tools provided by other media. eg. plus button, tash can, burger menu, etc. This page shows locations added previously entered and shearched in a short list.

During week 11 exercise we went through several procesess of testing our application. The steps we where promted to use worked very well we where able to find audiences we had not thought of before.The following are the experiments on how to test our application. 



Week 12 Excercise

I was unfortunatly not at class during this week but i need to add this in to the work scedual because it has an effect on our work and is valuable to the application. 

Week 13 Excercise

For this task we had to create a space to work welst the other half of the team came up with a activity of some sort to fill the space. we found that the room we where in was not sufficiant enough for the work so by designating  colour coded areas for teams to work in durting there photoshop class.


this has mad it easier for the lecturer to see all students at the same time even tho the they are still far apart they still can work to put layers for work onto one computor and then show the lecturer using softwear like dropbox or google docs.

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