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UID Assesments 

I selected the Target Audience for this assignment because it was challenging and an important part of the structuring process.  The size of the work that needed to be done was a lot more than the other topics and challenged me to find the target audience.


The target audience was difficult to identify because we needed to find the age group of the students or children who have acess to the internet. I found many articles and blogs about this topic on the internet. These ranged from articles from everyday parents to researching journalists. While going through the articles I found a couple of items with heavily backed research showing the age groups that was required. I based my target audience on this data.


From this information I drew my conclusions for audience belief, levels, demographics, and expectations. 

Part 1: 3-3.4 Target Audience

The Alpha Prototype part of this assessment is short os i was assigned more work on top of the original work. This includes the last 4 slides the user sees on the app the games page the answer page correct or incorrect the parents resources page and the ACORN page these are all the things i was assigned. doing all these this helped me understand the brief more ass i tried to write the Alpha Prototype report. It all came down to what we used and how we where going to use it to gain the effects that we where shooting for.


When i started with this brief i Read through the Prevues briefs to gain a better knowledge of the task that laid before us this was the biggest help of all. After completing the reading the task had been highlighted and well documented in the  alpha prototype.

Part 2: 6 Alpha Prototype

During the proseses of the Part 3 of the assignment there where only 2 tasks handed out 7 and 8 so we split the tasks and i got to do the question work. this intailed looking back and forth on the prototypes and working on the steps it would take to get to a destionation through the application. Useing this infomation i started the questions in a small table with the task first like  navigate to the kids activities then status witch is what the screen should look like before the user starts " 2 tabs only one tab is correct" then folowed by the completion is satisfactory " User selected the Kids button " and then followed by the bentchmark "  User selected the Kids button, without any errors". 


hese are the steps i used for the assignment part 3 but this was also split into 2 catagories Kids questions and Parents questions. for the two diffrent target audience.


We worked on the last power point for the final task hand in just pointing out the most important functunality in the application itself.

Part 3:  7.1.5 Reasurch Questions


Final Power point

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