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My Personal Reflections

Week 2

I believe in Synergy that working as a unified team will create a greater outcome then working alone. Therefore for the UID assessment I was excited to form a group. I strived to be apart of a group that was a well balance of both IT students and Multimedia students. 

Week 3

In this weeks class we had to put cards in caterogories as a team. We had to redo this exercise as we didn't take photos the frst time. The main topic was for an election as I have just recently become a citizen it was very difficult for me to recognise the process involved in an election. However my group did really good job in explaining so that we could compleate this task as shown.Besides the mishap we communicated and worked well as a team and the diversity of the group helped us fulfil this task. 

Week 4

We were tasked with creating an travel guide application. We started off with the home page which had two promotional menu's, avaliable beaches and avalible cities. Each of these menu's had a mian picture which was clickable. Then we worked on the menu page that had a hamburger menu that popped open.  The last page was the available cities page, after clicking the available cities/image button this page would apear. It contained a list of clickable city names. As a group we shared our ideas on fuctunality and colour sceams. We worked quite well as a team and shared the work equally. 

Week 5

Today we worked on the travel guide application from last week  and modified it to suit the Design principles. We were tasked with creating the home page however we completed last week so we cleaned and de cluttered the home page to make it more user friendly. We worked on two more pages from last week modifing them to fit the design principles. I also worked on my eportfolio time sheets making sure that they indicate the correct hours spent on my assignment and other tasks completed in class.

Week 7

Week 10

Week 13

this week was all about doing assigments and useing more testing methodes to see if our app works and follows the proper prosesses. working all weekend to get the assigment done the criteria is really confusing but working through.

Working on the assigment close to the time its due getting nervous now. 


finnishing of the power point.

As a group we worked on a persona for a kiosk in a book store i got up and posented it lol it was fun to do

Worked on the testing and paning of a website that was provided we looked at many diferent aspects that make a sucsessful website and how to keep it running sucsessfully. Used diffrent people to test the product (website) nd planed every question for the testing poses.

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